Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Sunday

This Easter was perfect. I woke up early to a beautiful sunny day, and my mom and I played with the puppies before Church. The whole family headed out for a beautiful Easter service at HOPE. It is truly rare that my brother and I are home at the same time, so it was great to spend Sunday with just the family. After Church we decided to head down to Monument Avenue for the Annual Easter Parade. It was a gorgeous day, so people were rolling in. We decided to bring the new puppy Cody to walk around a see the sights. The Easter Parade is a big deal for dogs because many people dress up their pups with big Easter hats and bonnets. So fun! {although I'm sure the people enjoy seeing them more than the dogs enjoy wearing them} I think Cody enjoyed being out and about, but I held him most of the time because he tired out quickly. If we did set him down to walk, he would just plop down in a shady spot until I picked him back up to continue on our way. Later, we came home and had a wonderful late lunch. My dad cooked salmon and steak on the grill and we also had deviled eggs, pasta salad, fresh green beans, and Boston Cream Pie for dessert. Yum. We ate on the patio, drank wine, and enjoyed each other's company before I had to head home. It was perfection. I hope you all had wonderful Easter celebrations. Here are some scenes from the day...


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